Top 15 IPFS markdown player Alternative and Similar Softwares | Oct 2024

A markdown player based on Strapdown.js and shared on the distributed network I.P.F.S.

Based on the JavaScript library

1. IPFSTube

IPFSTube IPFSTube is a player and uploader for videos , shared on the distributed network IPFS.Source code :

2. GUN

GUN GUN is an open source, realtime, graph database written entirely in JavaScript and built using peer-to-peer algorithms, making it surprisingly fault tolerant and easy to get started with.Like Dropbox for Web Developers or an Open Source Firebase .......

3. Cesium

Cesium Explorer as a browser application in JavaScript for the distributed communities network DUniter, it allows to certify trusted peers, to generate an universal dividend, to receive and send transactions.Source code :

4. Stratumn

Stratumn Provide enhancements into all types of systems and processes.It is based on Ethereum and Bitcoin JSON documents-chains.Source code :

5. GNUnet

GNUnet GNUnet is a framework for secure peer-to-peer networking that does not use any centralized or otherwise trusted services. A first service implemented on top of the networking layer allows anonymous censorship-resistant file-sharing. Anonymity is provided by making messages originating from a peer indistinguishable from messages that the peer is routing.......

6. IPFSBin

IPFSBin Distribute your code snippets in IPFS. Many languages syntax supported.Source code :

7. dokieli

dokieli dokieli is a decentralized article authoring, annotation, and social notification tool which works from a Web browser. While it is a general purpose tooling to write articles, it is fully compliant with the Linked Research initiative and principles, and provides features and interactions for scholarly communication.dokieli's architecture is progressively enhanced......

8. ZeroChat

ZeroChat An IRC-like internet chatroom hosted on ZeroNet, a distributed network. 0rc is a fully distributed website, and messages are shared through peers using the ZeroNet stack. In addition, making a new chatroom website is a simple as downloading the files and cloning the site.......

9. ZeroPolls

ZeroPolls Polls application in JavaScript and SQLite on the distributed network ZeroNet . Access from the Web proxy server : With ZeroNet installed and running , the address is : You can get the open-source code when accessing locally......

10. ZeroVerse

ZeroVerse Authentication for the distributed network zeroNet without blockchain ( trustable list )locally : remotely : News : FAQ : Source codes are accessible locally after downloading the application with

11. ZeroTalk

ZeroTalk Forum(s) built with JavaScript ( with CoffeeScript ) and for the database distributed by the network ZeroNet......

12. Peergos

Peergos PeerGos is Java client for a decentralised, secure file storage, sharing and social network that's surveillance resistant and doesn't expose your friend network.It is based on the network IPFS , with its DNS service which is IPNS.......

13. ZeronetMail

ZeronetMail ZeroMail - End-to-end encrypted, peer-to-peer not-instant messaging site.......

14. ZeroBlog

ZeroBlog ZeroBlog - For a distributed, self publishing blogging platform ( and centralized authentication ).Source code :

15. SocialLinkedData

SocialLinkedData Solid (derived from "social linked data") is a proposed set of conventions and tools for building decentralized Web applications based on Linked Data principles. Solid is modular and extensible. It relies as much as possible on existing W3C standards and protocols.......