Top 15 ManualAgent Alternative and Similar Softwares | Dec 2024 is a collection of manuals involving computers, electronics, furniture, which are closely related to your daily life. Totally, it provides thousands of manuals and guides for you to download and print. So when you are having trouble in dealing with your computers or electronic products only to find the original paper brochures are not available, you can get instant help by downloading the related electronic manual. Our group has collected and organized manuals by brands and models, so that you can easily access any of them on this website. Besides, the number of manuals on our site is growing bigger by the day ...

1. man-db

man-db man-db is an implementation of the standard Unix documentation system accessed using the man command. It uses a Berkeley DB database in place of the traditional flat-text whatis databases. man-db is used by several popular GNU/Linux distributions.......

2. Cardbox

Cardbox Cardbox is a database program. It lets you design your own databases, and you can make them hold anything – people’s contact details, books, abstracts, photographs, biographies, CVs of job applicants, personal records, lists of stolen antiques, museum catalogues, contracts and official documentation, confidential accident reports, poisoning incidents. Databases don’t......

3. Rocket Folio Views

Rocket Folio Views Folio Views is a data storage/retrieval system, that uses a custom (Folio) database to quickly search all of the content. A Folio infobase is a free-form database of text, graphics, and other data created using Rocket Folio Views or Folio Builder. Folio infobases serve as secure, fully indexed, content containers......

4. TimeSeries.Guru

TimeSeries.Guru A relaxing hosted time series database. TSDB with sophisticated querying, joining and aggregation via HTTP REST API. Storage from 1 GB to Terabytes. On-Demand and Pay-Per-Use. Cloud ready.......

5. Database Labs

Database Labs Database Labs is the Invisible Database: focus on your core business, not on becoming a database administrator. You get a fully backed up, monitored Postgres database as a service ready to use out of the box, that just works.......

6. SQLTools

SQLTools SQLTools is a light weighted and robust tool for ORACLE database development. It includes a text editor, an sql console and a couple of sql utilities. You can use it for dial-up connection and it will work as fast as SQLPlus. It is small and not required an installation so......

7. WinSQL

WinSQL WinSQL is universal database management tool that can be used with any relational database to perform administrative tasks such as importing/exporting data, generating test data, reverse engineering an existing database, comparing schema and data between databases or simply running SQL queries. On one hand WinSQL provides advanced user powerful tools......

8. TntMPD

TntMPD TntMPD is a free program for managing your relationships with your ministry partners. Although anyone might find it useful, it is designed specifically for missionaries who raise their own support. The hope in sharing TntMPD with you is that you, a fellow missionary, will have more time to do what......

9. Abstract Database Connector

Abstract Database Connector Abstract Database Connector is a C/C++ library for making connections to several databases (MySQL, mSQL, PostgreSQL, Interbase, Informix, BDE, ODBC). It runs on Linux, UNIX, BeOS, and Windows, and a dynamic driver loader for ELF OSes is under development.......

10. SQL Compact Query Analyzer

SQL Compact Query Analyzer Features:- Create new database- Automatically refresh database upon executing create/alter/drop table queries- Displays database information (database version, filename, size, creation date)- Displays schema summary (number of tables, columns, primary keys, identity fields, nullable fields)- Displays the information schema views- Displays column information (database type, clr type, max length, allows null,......

11. BigMemory

BigMemory BigMemory: a commercial in-memory data management suite for real-time Big Data applications that stores up to hundreds of terabytes in distributed memory across multiple servers without performance hits from the Java garbage collector.......

12. QueryTree

QueryTree QueryTree is the fast and effective way to extract the information you need from your company’s databases, using a simple drag and drop interface.QueryTree allows you to visually build any database query you can think of, putting the information you need at your fingertips and making reliance on technical assistance......

13. Xeround

Xeround Xeround is an elastic, always-on cloud database that lets you run your MySQL applications in the cloud, with auto scaling and high availability.......

14. PortaBase

PortaBase PortaBase (portable database) is a program for conveniently managing one-table database files. It is available for many platforms, including Linux, Mac OS X (Tiger and up), Windows (XP and up), Maemo (Diablo and Fremantle), and the Pandora handheld PC.......

15. Eclipse SQL Explorer

Eclipse SQL Explorer Eclipse SQL Explorer is a thin SQL client that allows you to query and browse any JDBC compliant database. It supports plugins with specialized functionality for individual databases (Oracle, DB2 and MySQL) and can be extended to include specialized support for other databases.......