Top 15 To-Do DeskList Alternative and Similar Softwares | Nov 2024

To-Do DeskList, free desktop to-do list software

* Simple, nice looking and easy-to-use interface
* To-Do Notes placed directly on your desktop
* Assigning priority levels to to-dos
* All to-dos can have a reminder to a specific date and time
* Hotkeys for adding a new to-do and displaying all to-do notes in front of other windows
* Sorting To-Do Notes by priority or by date
* Well-arranged to-do list on your desktop instead of a complex structure ...

1. iDeskapp

iDeskapp An online notebook, which will help you organise your informations. It will allow you to create Pages consisting of notes, images, to-dos, files... You can keep them for yourself or share with your coworkers, friends and family.......

2. Stixy

Stixy Stixy makes it fun and easy for you to collaborate online! Create tasks, appointments, files, photos, notes, and bookmarks on your Stixyboards, organized in whatever way make sense to you. Then share your Stixyboards with friends, family, and colleagues.......

3. TaskCard

TaskCard TaskCard is a simple and visual way to organize your thoughts and tasks into to-do lists. Like sticky notes on the desk, TaskCards can be posted and organized in different sizes and colors around your desktop to help you remember important things or keep lists for projects. TaskCard is also......

4. Agenda At Once Free PIM

Agenda At Once Free PIM Highly customizable and configurable Personal Information Manager for task management, with many visual customization options. It includes a fairly featured notes feature, contacts, day planning, detailed and hierarchical to-do manager. Designed with GTD in mind. Excellent for mapping out the schedule for a day.......

5. ccToDo To-Do List

ccToDo To-Do List Too much to do? Too many lists for too many business and personal projects? Sort them once and for all online at ccToDo is the easy, cloud-based to-do list that follows you round wherever you go – on your iPhone and your computer, or anywhere with an internet connection.ccToDo......

6. Lifestyle Inspector

Lifestyle Inspector Lifestyle Inspector is a free windows GTD/productivity/todo-list app with integrated Mind-mapping and powerful personal productivity reports.It has the following advantages:Support for both small simple tasks and large complicated projectsFlexible scheduling - suport for ongoing tasks with everyday, few times a week at specific days and time or every cirtain day......

7. Memo - Sticky Notes

Memo - Sticky Notes Memo is a simple stickers app that let you store your notes with password and share with all your computers and devices. Memo has gain the new iCloud support. Your Memo will sync with all your devices. Keep your Memo in sync with all your Macs and iPhone and iPad......

8. Done

Done Done is a amazing list-keeping todo app that very simple and easy to use.It will keep your life organized .Try it with # Todo list;# Simple quick notes;# Guest list for a part or conference;# List of movies to watch;# Any thing else you want to keep it in a......

9. Taskcode

Taskcode Taskcode is a task manager with a unique data input system. Unlike other reminder apps, where the user constantly have to tap from one option to another, Taskcode allows the easiest way of specifying all attributes of a reminder like due date, time, subtasks, title, repeat function etc. simply by......

10. Tasskr

Tasskr Tasskr is a list maker that can help you organize anything from todo lists to project schedules. It's as simple, easy and intuitive as can be. Share tasks with other people. Create tasks and organize with lists. Track your progress and visualize your schedule with graphs and progress bars. Setup......

11. Kontact - KNotes

Kontact - KNotes This component serves as your infinite block of digital sticky notes. Your can stick them on your desktop and they stay visible even after closing KDE Kontact. Of course you can: * drag 'n' drop notes into emails * print notes * independent coloring of notes * integration with your......

12. OutlineEdit

OutlineEdit A beautifully crafted outliner for your Mac: It helps you keep your ideas structured and collected.Use OutlineEdit as an empty canvas to sketch information - for learning, working and planning your projects.And highlight text on web pages using OE Marker for Safari to directly open it into a new outline.......

13. Vitalist

Vitalist Obviously we are big fans of David Allen's "Getting Thing's Done" methodology. In an effort to bring GTD software online, we created Vitalist. It implements every step of David Allen's "Getting Things Done" methodology so you don't have to keep track of it yourself. No more painstaking updates of documents,......

14. Notibuyer

Notibuyer Notibuyer has developed an easy-to use voice memo organizer to let people record and if needed share important ideas, tasks and shopping lists in a circle of friends, family or co-workers. Shaking and voice launching options are coming soon!......

15. Hypernotes

Hypernotes Hypernotes is a way to store ideas in the same way that you think them. Notes can be created with images and text, organized in a tree structure and connected with internal hyperlinks. Written in Java, so it works wherever you go. (Requires Java 1.6)......