Top 7 rot.js Alternative and Similar Games | Sep 2024

rot.js was designed to provide help with traditional chores of roguelike programming. It does not use or depend on any other JS framework or library. It is an Open Source Software released under the BSD License.

1. libtcod

libtcod Also known as libtcod, the Doryen Library is the function library built for the Chronicles of Doryen.It is an uncomplicated library for roguelike developers.Features : * windowed or full screen console with true color support * support for custom character sets using bitmap fonts and colored tiles * Mersenne twister......

2. BearLibTerminal

BearLibTerminal BearLibTerminal is a library that creates a terminal-like window facilitating flexible textual output and uncomplicated input processing.A lot of roguelike games intentionally use asketic textual or pseudographic visual style. However, native output via the command line interface ususally have a few annoying shortcomings like low speed or palette and......

3. Cocos Creator

Cocos Creator Cocos2d-x is an open-source and cross platform open source free 2D game engine for mobile game development known for its speed, stability, and easy of use......

4. GameJs

GameJs GameJs is a thin library on top of the HTML canvas element. In addition to the drawing functions it has a growing assortment of modules useful for game development.......

5. EaselJS

EaselJS Part of the CreateJS group of libraries, EaselJS provides straight forward solutions for working with rich graphics and interactivity with HTML5 Canvas. It exposes an API that is familiar to Adobe Animate developers, but embraces JavaScript sensibilities. It consists of a full, hierarchical display list, a core interaction model, and......

6. SAE – Scripted Amiga Emulator

SAE – Scripted Amiga Emulator An Amiga emulator in javascript and HTML5.......


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