Top 15 Online Dapper Alternative and Similar Softwares | Nov 2024

Dapper is a free, web-based service that allows you to extract and use information from any website on the Internet. It allows you to create a "feed" (which we call a Dapp) for any site without programming. You can then use these feeds in a variety of ways: as an RSS feed, a widget, in Facebook applications, and more (and if you're a programmer, you can incorporate them into your applications and websites).

1. Page2RSS

Page2RSS Page2RSS is a service that helps you monitor web sites that do not publish feeds. It will check any web page for updates and deliver them to your favorite RSS reader.......

2. Feedbeater

Feedbeater Want to follow a web page that doesn't have RSS?FeedBeater lets you create a free feed or alert for any web page. (It just needs a public URL.) Four Benefits of FeedBeater1. As simple as humanly possibleEnter a URL. Get a feed. Zero configuration and zero steps in between, unless......

3. Feedfry

Feedfry The easiest way to create an RSS feed from a web page. You do not need any skill. Just input the address of a page, choose a suitable version from proposed and you will get a feed.......

4. FeedYes

FeedYes gives rss feeds to sites without feeds......

5. Banckle CRM

Banckle CRM Banckle CRM is a Cloud-based customer relationship management solution designed for SMEs that want to work more effectively. It's small business CRM made simple.A common problem when tracking deals and interacting with customers is the various systems involved. Bringing together the tools that help you keep track of deals, Banckle......

6. Kaiser

Kaiser Project Kaiser is a web-based issue tracking and project management software. It offers rich set of functionality and FREE to use for five users. General features are: Unlimited projects hierarchy, Issue tracking, Requirements management, Content Management, Wiki & Forums, Powerful security subsystem, field level access control, Easy install and update,......

7. EditGrid

EditGrid EditGrid is an Online Spreadsheet service delivering Data on Demand. With majority of Excel features, EditGrid allows you to start working easily.......

8. Diff-IE

Diff-IE Diff-IE is a prototype Internet Explorer add-on that highlights the changes to a page since the last time you visited it and enables you to view and compare previously cached versions of the page. When changes are made obvious, especially the subtle and unexpected ones, you get a whole lot......

9. Fresh Reader

Fresh Reader Fresh Reader is a web-based, server type RSS and Atom feed reader. You can download and install it into your server or PC, just extract the downloaded file to the folder where your web server can get access.Runs fast in your handsFresh Reader runs on your server or PC, which......

10. Licorize

Licorize A minimalistic and fast to-do manager that you can feed with your bookmarks and web updates. Licorize imports from Delicious - an opportunity to reorganize links and tags in a friendly environment. Licorize synchs status updates and more from Twitter, Evernote, DropBox, RSS, LinkedIn, Instapaper, ReadItLater, E-mail...Licorize has a Firefox......

11. Banckle Email

Banckle Email Banckle Email is a business email solution supporting multiple protocols, video email, text and video chat. Considering your business needs, the email communications are SSL secured and its advanced search technology ensures fast and accurate searching experience. All emails are archived securely with strongest industry encryption and you can retrieve......

12. LikeHack

LikeHack LikeHack is a productive way to read your social news. It aggregates content from Facebook, Twitter and your favorite blogs and highlights the content you shouldn't miss.Additionally, LikeHack collect your history of sharing ever an makes all the content from your feeds searchable even by the content behind a link.......

13. Downpour

Downpour Downpour is a web-based BitTorrent client. It supports auto-downloading from RSS feeds and automatic importing and renaming of downloads into a media library, making it ideal for use on a home media server.......

14. WobZIP

WobZIP WobZIP is a free online tool that allows you to uncompress your files online. Web-based means hassle-free Now you can unzip your files in school, at work or anywhere as long as you have access to the Internet. No longer will you be limited by the inability to......

15. Echoplexus

Echoplexus Echoplexus is an anonymous, web-based, IRC-like chatting platform that makes its best effort to respect your privacy. It allows you to create public or private channels. You can encrypt your chats. You can secure a pseudonym for linkable anonymity. You can code and draw together in real time. You can......