Top 15 AFB2 Reader for iPad Alternative and Similar Softwares | Jan 2025

AFB2 Reader lets you read your favorite books on iPad without any restrictions and hidden fees.

AFB2 Reader completely free ebook reading application, you can collect unlimited number of titles in your Library and read them for you own pleasure. Application optimized for the iPad and high resolution Retina Display graphics. Another devices support will coming soon.

It is possible to load ebooks in fb2 format into application by a number of way, like:

- download fb2 books using your favorite web browser application and open it with AFB2 Reader using "Open In..." iSO feature
- use iTunes file sharing to copy files from you computer
- import books from you preferred cloud drive - Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive currently supported, more options coming in next versions ...

1. Icecream Ebook Reader

Icecream Ebook Reader Icecream Ebook Reader by Icecream Apps allows reading ebooks in several formats (epub, mobi, and others). The program offers to add EPUB, MOBI, PDF, FB2 books and CBR and CBZ comics to the library and view them in Table View or Book Shelf modes. It’s easy to find books in......

2. TequilaCat Book Reader

TequilaCat Book Reader TCBR (TequilaCat Book Reader) is a Java application allowing to read books on ANY mobile phone (with Java support). The software suite is consisting of 2 parts: 1.TCBR Shell - program for Windows PC that creates JAR books. It works on Linux under Wine. 2.JAR Books created by the......


NOOK Download NOOK, and get access to over a million eBooks, newspapers, magazines- all just a touch away. Plus, free samples of ebooks & thousands of free titles. NOOK offers unique, unbeatable features, including exclusive LendMe™ technology that lets you share eBooks with friends, and a safe and secure eBooks Lifetime......

4. Bluefire

Bluefire Bluefire Reader is your go-to reading application for ePub and PDF content, including ebooks from most online book stores and leading libraries around the world. Bluefire Reader includes support for eBooks protected by Adobe Content Server.......

5. Darwin Reader

Darwin Reader Darwin Reader is the first accessible Android book reader designed specifically for blind, low vision, and print disabled users. The app fully supports DAISY formatted audio and text books, and directly integrates with Benetech Bookshare and Librivox to make downloading books amazingly simple.Read books using your preferred interface. For blind......

6. BookReader

BookReader BookReader is the Cocoa application for reading electronic books in the following formats: fb2 ePUB html, webarchive (Safari) doc (Microsoft Word) rtf, rtfd txt zip (all of above formats archived)Main features: Two- and Single page viewing mode (FB2) Page scroll animation: dissolvation, page curling and swiping Table Of Contents with......

7. Stanza

Stanza Read books on your iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad! Stanza brings the digital book revolution to your pocket with a reading interface that is unrivaled in its clarity and ease of use. Stanza Desktop, available for Windows and Mac, features a variety of text layout views, such as multicolumn, vertical......

8. GooReader

GooReader GooReader is a desktop application that allows you to search, download and read books and magazines available on Google Play Books , add bookmarks, annotate pages, create local library and manage your Google Library.......

9. QReader

QReader QReader allows to read texts on smartphones (electronic books - eBooks). It is the high quality book reader, easy and powerful.QReader features:FB2, Plain text (.txt), Palm DOC (.prc and .pdb) and TCR files reading;Incoming document recognizing;Screen rotation (90, 180 and 270 degrees);5 different fonts;Folders support;Hi-Quality Bookmarks;Auto-scrolling;Text Formatting;Hyphenation support;Search (case-sensitive and......

10. ZXReader

ZXReader ZXReader is an e-book reader for Symbian s60 3rd or 5th edition mobile phones. With ZXReader you can customize almost everything about the eBook display: from changing the fonts and colors to things like screen margins and the location of the info bar. And the best thing is that ZXReader......

11. Blio

Blio Simply put, Blio is a full-featured eReader for people who care about what books look like.If you’re into crafting, architecture, cooking, traveling, or fairytales, it’s pretty important to see your books laid out like the author intended. That’s why we recreate each and every page, giving you an authentic reading......

12. Bookshare Reader

Bookshare Reader This is an excellent free alternative to the other Daisy book readers out there; currently in development by the folks at app is free so, try it out.If you are blind, or you know someone who is blind and love to read ebooks in the Daisy format, this is......

13. Lucidor

Lucidor Lucidor supports e-books in the EPUB file format, and catalogs in the OPDS format. Lucidor provides functionality to:Read EPUB e-books.Organize a collection of e-books in a local bookcase.Search for and download e-books from the Internet, for example by browsing OPDS catalogs. Convert web feeds into e-books. Lucidor is available also......

14. ICE Book Reader Professional

ICE Book Reader Professional ICE Book Reader Professional is the ultimate e-book reader. It can be used is as a teleprompter too. It includes native support for .LIT, .CHM and .ePub files, and does not utilize any Microsoft Reader or Microsoft HELP components. It can also convert: TXT-HTML, HTML-TXT, TXT-DOC, DOC-TXT, PDB-TXT, LIT-TXT, FB2-TXT......

15. Raccoon Reader

Raccoon Reader Raccoon Reader is a fast and simple reader for eBooks with large possibilities. The goal of authors is to create the best reader for Windows Phone 7, 8 and iOS.Basic information: works with all Windows Phone 7 and Windows Phone 8 devices. works with all iOS devices. reads ePub, fb2,......