Top 6 Most Popular Inline Softwares | Jan 2025

Here are the top 6 most popular inline softwares as derived from our TpSort Score which is a continually popular score, it denotes an estimated popularity of a software.

1. Inline Youtube

Inline Youtube Find youtube links and play it inline.This extension lets the user play any youtube link inline the website. - If no other content on the link, it will change it to a preview of the image. Else it will preserve the content and add a play button.- When clicked it......

2. Lavendeux

Lavendeux Lavendeux inlines calculating, programming and testing utilities into your favourite text editor. Test the result of a remote API call, check the result of a regular expression and much more, all without needing to break your workflow.......

3. Reframe It

Reframe It Comment anywhere on the web without the permission of a site. Reframe It is a Firefox and IE extension that lets you make specific comments next to the text or images of any website. Share your thoughts in context with friends and groups with facebook, twitter, blogger, friendfeed, and more.......

4. My tourbook

My tourbook MyTourbook visualizes recorded tours and creates various statistics, MyTourbook stellt die Touren von einem Fahrradcomputer grafisch darIt is free software to visualize and analyze tours which are recorded by a GPS device, bike- or exercise computer and ergometer, it can ..» transfer, import, export, edit and visualize tours» heart rate......

5. NicEdit

NicEdit NicEdit is a free inline wysiwg html editor you can easily add to your site in seconds! NicEdit is a Lightweight, Cross Platform, Inline Content Editor to allow easy editing of web site content on the fly in the browser.NicEdit Javascript integrates into any site in seconds to make any......

6. Popoverify

Popoverify Popoverify is your inline wiki and an interactive tool that helps visitors understand your site's content. It allows you to create context help and connect it to your web. Popoverify has customizable visual appearance of the context help. It offers advanced options of the inline help such as images and......